Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy on Tuesday (September 10, 2024) announced that the Women’s University would be named after Chakali Ilamma and the government had decided to appoint Ilamma’s granddaughter Shweta as the member of the State Women’s Commission.
Speaking at a programme organised to observe the death anniversary of Chakali Ilamma here, Mr. Revanth Reddy remembered how she fought against the feudal rulers for land rights of the poor during the Nizam’s rule. He said with the inspiration of Ilamma, former PM Indira Gandhi introduced land reforms in the country.
Possessing land is the self esteem of the poor. It was the reason why Indira Gandhi distributed lakhs of acres of land to the poor, he said. He also alleged that the previous rulers conspired to grab lands of the poor people in the guise of Dharani. Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka and others also spoke.
Published – September 11, 2024 04:21 am IST