West Bengal Lady Constable Admit Card 2023 released on wbpolice.gov.in, download link here

West Bengal Lady Constable Admit Card 2023 released on wbpolice.gov.in, download link here

WB Police Admit Card 2023: The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) has issued the admit card for the recruitment exam to be conducted for the post of Lady Constable in West Bengal Police 2023. Candidates who have registered for the recruitment can check and download the admit card from the official website at wbpolice.gov.in.
The recruitment board will conduct the written examination on September 10, 2023. Through this recruitment drive, the WBPRB aims to fill a total of 1420 vacancies for the post of Lady Constable. Candidates can follow the step-by-step process given below to access their admit card.
How to download WB Lady Constable Admit Card 2023?
Step 1. Visit the official website at wbpolice.gov.in
Step 2. On the homepage, go to the ‘Recruitment’ tab
Step 3. Now, click on the Lady Constable 2023 admit card link
Step 4. Enter your login details and click on submit
Step 5. Your admit card will be displayed on the screen
Step 6. Download and take a printout if the admit card for future reference
Direct Link: West Bengal Lady Police Constable Hall Ticket 2023
Selection Process
The selection of the qualified candidates will be made on the basis of Preliminary Written Test followed by Physical Measurement Test (PMT), Physical Efficiency Test (PET), and Interview.

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