WBBSE Madhyamik Board Exam 2024: 12 students disqualified for posting English paper online

WBBSE Madhyamik Board Exam 2024: 12 students disqualified for posting English paper online

The West Bengal Board Of Secondary Education (WBBSE) has barred 12 Madhyamik students, 11 in Malda and 1 in Jalpaiguri for allegedly posting images of a few pages of the Madhyamik second-language English question paper online on Saturday.
This year, the WBBSE has introduced a unique QR code for each question paper to prevent leaks and circulations of the paper during exams.The Board managed to track down these candidates involved in the paper leak via the QR codes printed on each paper.
“We have gathered evidence from these candidates’ mobile phones, indicating that they have clear intention to spoil the exam. We are in doubt whether only students are involved in the nexus. There may be an intention to malign the whole administrative structure and the examination process. This has become a practice for many years now. We have all the evidence in our hands,” stated Ramanuj Ganguly, the president of the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE), according to TNN.
He shared that a total of 14 mobile phones were confiscated from Enayetur High School on Friday, and an additional 11 phones were taken on Saturday. Out of these, seven phones were owned by students who were prohibited from taking the Madhyamik examination. Additionally, three other candidates from Burdwan, South Dinajpur, and Malda were found with mobile phones, leading to the cancellation of their English papers.

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