Known for his exquisite designs, celebrity designer Manish Malhotra, who has also expressed his keen interest in joining hands for behind the camera work, announced his production titled Ul Jalool Ishq earlier this month. Along with this, he also revealed that Vijay Varma, Fatima Sana Shaikh, Naseeruddin Shah, and Sharib Hashmi in a unique casting coup will be coming together for this Vibhu Puri directorial, which will go on floors on January 9. However, now the latest update is that the film will be shot extensively in Amritsar.
Vijay Varma, Fatima Sana Shaikh starrer Ul Jalool Ishq to go on floors in Amritsar: Report
Earlier when the film was announced the makers revealed about the shooting commencement details but however, the location was kept under wraps. As per a Pinkvilla report, it has now been revealed that Vijay Varma will commence the shoot from Tuesday onwards in Amritsar and he is expected to be accompanied by leading lady Fatima Sana Shaikh. But it is yet to known as to when the rest of the cast including Naseeruddin Shah and Sharib Hashmi will be joining them.
The excited designer-producer took to social media on January 3 to share this good news with his fans and had announced it saying, “Bewakoofiyan, Nadan galtiyan, badi bhool hai ishq; Sach Poochiye toh mere huzoor ul jalool hai ishq! I am so happy to announce our @stage5production 3rd film production. A beautiful film UL JALOOL ISHQ written and directed by @vibhupuri , shooting of the film starts 9th January with this supremely talented cast”. Along with this news, he also shared a few photos from their debut photoshoot together.
Ever since Ul Jalool Ishq was announced, the film has been garnering ample curiosity considering that Vijay and Fatima will be seen together on the screen for the first time. This also marks the third production of Manish Malhotra under his banner Stage5 Productions.
More Pages: Ul Jalool Ishq Box Office Collection
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