The aim behind the order is to affiliate students with NCC troops.
NCC as an elective subject will have 24 credit points that will be divided over six semesters.
The University Grant Commission (UGC) has released a notification regarding the inclusion of NCC as a subject in the course modules at universities. The higher education institutions (HEIs) have been directed to take appropriate measures to include the subject in the curriculum. The students will be given the option to choose NCC as an elective subject.
The main aim of including the NCC in the curriculum is to affiliate students with the NCC troops. The Director General of the National Cadet Corps (NCC) has pointed out that HEIS must have affiliations with NCC troops to offer NCC as an elective subject.
The UGC notification has revealed that NCC can be offered as an elective subject only to those students who have enrolled as NCC cadets. The government has allowed students to take up NCC as an optional subject since 2021. The government aimed for this move to benefit cadets, including those from the border areas where additional cadet strength has been authorised as part of the overall Border Areas Expansion Plan. This move will also encourage the youth to help and contribute towards nation-building.
Under the National Education Policy 2020, the NCC curriculum for B and C certificates has been designed as per the Choice-Based Credit System (CBCS). The NCC subject will have 24 credit points that will be divided over six semesters. This move is in line with the National Education Policy 2020, where students can choose subjects of their choice instead of being limited to the subjects offered by the institutions.
Over the years, NCC has been highly beneficial for the students as well. Those who complete the subject and the training will get a certificate from the NCC. If someone gets an NCC certificate, those candidates are given exemptions in the army, police and other government jobs. NCC certificate holders also get certain perks while applying for higher education in colleges and universities in India. Apart from this, scholarships are also provided to candidates who have joined NCC for further studies.
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