Uber, India‘s leading ride-hailing app, inaugurated its electric auto-rickshaw service in Ayodhya, with the presence of Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. The launch event marked Uber’s entry into providing convenient, affordable, and eco-friendly mobility solutions in Ayodhya, anticipating a surge in footfall to the holy city.
The introduction of EV Autos is just the beginning, as Uber plans to roll out UberGo, its most affordable car product, and Uber Intercity, a rapidly growing mobility product catering to inter-city travel within Uttar Pradesh. This comprehensive approach aims to connect Ayodhya with various destinations, making a substantial contribution to tourism, travel, and economic growth in Uttar Pradesh.
Uber’s expansion into Ayodhya aligns with its growth strategy in India, embodying the ‘India to Bharat’ approach. The companysaid it is committed to extending its footprint and diverse product offerings to regional markets, providing a holistic and multi-modal Uber experience to riders across the country.
Prabhjeet Singh, President of Uber India and South Asia, expressed enthusiasm about the expansion, stating, “We are excited to expand our services to Ayodhya as it emerges on the travel map of millions. With this expansion, we are not only providing enhanced mobility options for tourists and pilgrims but also unlocking earning opportunities for many more in the region. We are committed to contributing to the city’s tourism, promoting a seamless travel experience, and fostering sustainable economic growth.”
Uber offers rides, including cars, auto-rickshaws, motorcycles, and buses, in 125 cities across the country. As Uber expands its services in Ayodhya, it aims to leverage technology to provide efficient and safe mobility solutions for both residents and visitors.