Tenali Urban becomes the first Mandal in Andhra Pradesh to achieve GER 100

Tenali Urban becomes the first Mandal in Andhra Pradesh to achieve GER 100

Vijayawada: The school education department with the help of the village and ward secretariat has taken the mission of achieving GER of 100% which means that every child born between 1st Sept 2005 to 31st Aug 2018 is engaged with the school education department.
This drive began in 1st week of July and till now 59,602 volunteers have achieved the 100% GER badge, which means that all the children of the above-mentioned age group are enrolled in schools. Totally 464 village secretariats have achieved the status of 100% GER, the highest being Nandayal with 120 secretariats.
“Tenali Urban Mandal which has 47 secretariats has become the first Mandal in the State to attain the status of 100% GER. The volunteers and village and ward secretariat staff have started to master the technique of motivating and nudging the out-of-school children in the right direction,” said Principal Secretary (education) Praveen Prakash.
He said that positive competition has begun as one mandal will become 10 mandals and 10 mandals will become 100 mandals in a fortnight, and the day is not far when all the 679 mandals will attain the 100% GER badge. We are hopeful of achieving 100% GER to make Andhra Pradesh the First State in the country to attain 100% GER, claimed Praveen Prakash.

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