Tabu and Ajay Devgn’s upcoming film, Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha, marks their tenth onscreen collaboration, having first worked together in Vijaypath three decades ago. In an interview with News18 Showsha, Tabu humorously remarked, “Will you ask me about my friendship with Ajay? Because if I speak about it one more time, he’ll break my friendship with me!” Known for their strong bond, she has previously described Ajay as a ‘bully,’ recalling how he would protectively chase away boys who approached her.
Tabu talks about embracing her age and not playing 30-year-olds: “I don’t think that I’ll be…”
The mischievous Ajay Devgn
When asked if Ajay still fits the ‘bully’ label, Tabu laughingly responded, “He’s a silent bully. People will never come to know that he has any such plan up his sleeves. He has a very quiet and sweet way of ragging people. He’s quite mischievous.” During the trailer launch of their film, she revealed Ajay often gossips and jokingly accuses her of the same. “He’s just ‘badnamofying’ me. He said this because I told everyone that he always asks me for gossip. This is his way of covering up facts. I don’t have information about anyone in the film industry. I don’t have enough information about myself even!” she added with a laugh.
Age-appropriate casting in Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha
The film features Tabu and Ajay as star-crossed lovers who reunite after 22 years, with Shantanu Maheshwari and Saiee M Manjrekar playing their younger versions. Tabu expressed relief at not having to play a younger version of herself. “My first question to Neeraj (Pandey; director) was, what about the younger part? When he told me that there’s a different set of actors to do that, I was like, fine. Sometimes, de-aging actors can look gimmicky especially if the audience knows how old they are,” she explained.
Embracing age in acting
At 52, Tabu emphasized the importance of age-appropriate casting. “They’ve seen how we look at present. But all of it depends on the kind of film and the context. Some films can carry off older actors playing younger roles well because it isn’t jarring for the audience. But we didn’t require that in Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha and it worked better that way.” She reflected on how age-appropriate casting was more common in the past, with different actors playing younger versions of protagonists.
Accepting her age
Unlike many of her male contemporaries, Tabu is clear about not wanting to play significantly younger roles. When asked if she still receives offers to play younger characters, she candidly replied, “I would refuse those parts. I don’t think that I’ll be open to playing a 30-year-old anymore. I’ve no option but to embrace my age.” This statement underscores her commitment to authenticity in her roles and her acceptance of her evolving place in the film industry.
More Pages: Auron Mein Kahan Dum Tha Box Office Collection
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