Former Miss Universe and Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen was recently bestowed with an Honorary Doctor of Letters (D. Litt) degree by Techno India University, West Bengal, in a prestigious ceremony held on Thursday. Unfortunately, due to a viral ailment, Sushmita Sen could not be physically present at the event. Her father, Subir Sen, graciously accepted the esteemed degree on her behalf. Despite her absence, Sushmita Sen’s spirit shone through as she recorded an acceptance speech, expressing her gratitude and heartfelt apologies for not being able to attend the convocation ceremony.
Sushmita Sen virtually conferred with Honorary D. Litt degree amid health setback
In her recorded address, Sushmita Sen initiated with a warm “Namaskar” and candidly explained the reason behind her absence. “My heartfelt apologies for the voice and, more importantly, for not being able to attend today’s convocation ceremony. I was so looking forward to meeting you all in person. The culprit is a bad viral and so my doctor simply refused to let me travel. Please excuse my absence,” she conveyed.
The actor and former beauty queen, in her emotional address, also paid tribute to her father’s aspirations for her academic achievement. She shared, “Personally, it was my father’s greatest wish that I graduate university with honours. Life, of course, had other plans. So, as I left India at the age of 18 as Miss Universe, I promised Baba that I will do my absolute best to graduate life with honours. Today, my father receiving this honour on behalf of me, moved me to tears. It’s a memory I will cherish forever.”
Sharing her gratitude and pride, Sushmita Sen penned heartfelt words in her caption, expressing her appreciation for the university and Shri Narayana Murthy for bestowing this honour upon her. She wrote, “What an honour!!!! Thank you Techno India University & Shri Narayana Murthy for conferring upon me the Honorary D. Litt. My father Subir Sen who received the Doctorate on my behalf in Kolkata, hasn’t stopped praising all the faculty members of the university & just how well the Convocation ceremony was organised. Thank you all for being so gracious!!!”
Sen also shared another post, which she captioned, “Hon (Dr.) Sushmita Sen. Just had to see how it looked together!!! Missed receiving the D.Litt in person, down with the worst viral…but to have my father @sensubir receive this honour on my behalf yesterday …this is EVERYTHING!!!Thank you Baba!!!! You stood tall & proud!!!!”
On the professional front, Sushmita was last seen in the second instalment of Disney+ Hotstar’s popular web series Aarya. The actress has already begun working on the third season of the show. Besides this web show, she has another web series in her kitty, titled Taali. Sen will be seen essaying the transgender activist Gauri Sawant in an upcoming show. The actress made the official announcement of the same in October last year. The biopic will be created by Arjun Singgh Baran and Kartk D Nishandar, helmed by National award-winning director Ravi Jadhav, and produced by Arjun Singgh Baran, Kartk D Nishandar & Afeefa Nadiadwala.
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