The latest episode of Kiska Brand Bajega, hosted by Aditya Bhat featured Sunny Leone, a captivating example of self-branding. Sunny’s journey, from her unconventional beginnings to her redefined brand identity, took centre stage. Amid the discussion about her Bollywood journey, the actress opened up about the recent film Kennedy which has been faring well at almost every film festival and was all praises for her filmmaker Anurag Kashyap.
Sunny Leone reveals how people’s perception changed towards her after Anurag Kashyap signed her for Kennedy; says, “He definitely legitimized me as an actor in a different way”
While the episode of Kiska Brand Bajega delved into the strategies Sunny employed to make her mark in the Indian film industry and become one of the country’s most recognizable personalities, viewers also witnessed the exploration journey of the actress and her multifaceted talents. Leone was seen sharing insights on the need for controlling one’s narrative and fostering a brand that is confident, independent, and authentically hers which she was able to develop because of her acting, entrepreneurial ventures, and social media presence.
During the same, Sunny spoke highly about her recent work experience which was with filmmaker Anurag Kashyap for the film Kennedy, in which she is playing a smaller but a vital role, with Rahul Bhat as the leading man. She said “I think the second that I signed with Anurag sir and to shoot Kennedy there was a shift in people’s minds already, he definitely legitimized me as an actor in a different way he put me on a platform.”
Sunny Leone kicked off her career in the Indian Entertainment Industry as a contestant of Bigg Boss, which eventually helped her bag a role in the Pooja Bhatt film Jism 2, opposite Randeep Hooda and Arunodhay Singh. The actress has also debuted in South and is currently shooting for several projects in multiple languages.
More Pages: Kennedy Box Office Collection
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