Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel are leaving no stone unturned to promote their upcoming film Gadar 2. And recently, the onscreen couple met audiences from Amritsar, Punjab who cannot be more excited to see the two together on the big screen as Tara Singh and Sakeena after 22 years. The two actors recently decided to promote their film at the Attari-Wagah border which holds a special importance in the movie, since it is set against the backdrop of Indo-Pak relations and accompanying them was also singer Udit Narayan.
Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel spread the magic of Gadar 2 at Wagah Border; attend Beat Retreat Ceremony
Sunny Deol and Ameesha Patel shared glimpses of their promotional event at the Wagah Border on August 5 and the actors also expressed gratitude towards fans, since the event saw a massive turnout. The two of them attended the traditional military ritual, Beating Retreat Ceremony and the actors were also seen interacting with fans, as well as dancing with them whereas Udit Narayan was also performing live for the audience. In a series of photos, Sunny posted on the social media platform, he gave a glimpse into some of the special moments from the ceremony and captioned it saying, “Was honoured to witness the Retreat ceremony at the Attari Border with the illustrious @bsf_punjab_frontier @bsf_india . Loved the energy & the fervour with which the atmosphere was filled with emphatic chants of #hindustanzindabad”.
Along with him, Ameesha Patel too shared a series of photos and videos from the event on her social media handle.
Gadar 2 is also expected to feature Utkarsh Sharma as Jeete, the son of Tara Singh and Sakeena and the film will also introduce Simratt Kaur Randhawa as his love interest. Marking the return of Anil Sharma as a director, Gadar 2 is expected to release on August 11. The makers recently unveiled the trailer of the action-packed drama and it seems to have received massive love from the audience, especially fans of the prequel.
More Pages: Gadar 2 Box Office Collection
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