Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday directed officials to start helicopter services at ecotourism destinations and called for creating a new cadre of veterinarians dedicated to serving wild animals. Addressing a meeting of the Uttar Pradesh State Wildlife Board, Adityanath said, “There should be helicopter services and four-lane road connectivity to ensure seamless transportation at ecotourism places such as Dudhwa National Park, Katarniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary and Chuka of the Pilibhit Tiger Reserve.”
Create a cadre of veterinarians dedicated to the medical care of wild animals. Recognising the critical role these professionals play, the creation of a cadre will ensure timely promotions and additional benefits, he added.
The chief minister also called for placing emphasis on fostering a tourism-friendly environment by training and employing locals as guides at these tourist locations, according to an official release.
Efforts should also be made to establish quality accommodation arrangements for tourists, he said.
“Conservation of animals and birds is an integral part of our culture. Every year, a large number of Siberian birds arrive in the state at a specific time. Ensuring their safety is a common responsibility for all of us,” Adityanath said.
“Any form of cruelty towards these birds or other animals is unacceptable. Strict action will be taken against individuals involved in any such incidents,” he added. He also flagged network coverage issues that Indian mobile service providers face in areas bordering Nepal.
“It is being seen that mobile networks of Nepal’s telecommunication companies are coming into these areas. This needs serious attention. Necessary action should be taken,” he said. The chief minister further said that the Sohgibarwa Wildlife Division in Maharajganj district holds many “historical secrets”. Archaeological excavation should be done on the Sonari forest land of Dharamouli village, he said and added that the Archaeological Survey of India has expressed interest in the work.
Adityanath told the officials to take the necessary action after obtaining no-objection/wildlife clearance from the standing committee of the National Wildlife Board, as per the rules.