Speed 400 price, Harley X440 delivery details

Speed 400 price, Harley X440 delivery details

This number is set to dent market leader Royal Enfield’s share by 7 to 9 percent.

The entry of global iconic brands Harley-Davidson and Triumph into the hotly contested 1 million unit-strong Indian midsize motorcycle market is set to ruffle a fair few feather of market leader, Royal Enfield.

According to several people in the know, both these iconic brands with their respective Indian partners have a plan to produce about 1 lakh to 1.2 lakh units in less than a year. This may potentially eat into Royal Enfield’s large volume which has a share of over 85-90 percent in the mid-size motorcycle market. 

  1. About 90% of this output is planned for India
  2. RE will make 70-80,000 units a month
  3. J-platform Bullet 350 launching in August 

Assuming a market growth of 15 percent per annum, the entry of these global behemoths should expand the pie, but it is also certain that both these brands are are going to wean away prospective Royal Enfield buyers. Thereby creating a dent in the market share. This could potentially lead to an erosion of 7-9 percent of RE’s massive piece of the pie. 

According to several people in the know Bajaj Auto is eyeing volumes of 10,000 units a month of both the Speed 400 and Scrambler 400 X put together, come October. 

This is excluding the numbers for the export markets. Given the fact that the Triumph has received over 10,000 bookings within just a few days of announcing the Speed 400’s price, its manufacturing partner Bajaj, had shared that the company is ramping up capacity to cater to the high demand. 

In the same timeframe, Hero and Harley Davidson have plans of producing about 25,000 to 30,000 units.

Interestingly, Royal Enfield on its part is not slowing down and has plans to produce 70,000 to 80,000 units per month with the sustained demand for Hunter and Classic as well as cater to demand for the soon-to-be-launched new J-platform Bullet 350

Also See:

Triumph Speed 400 review: Bharatiya-British brilliance

Harley-Davidson X440 review: Serious RE challenger?

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