Sky Force is now on its way to hit a century at the box office. In its opening weekend itself, it has hit a huge half century at the box office, and that too a comfortable one at that. With Rs. 73.20 crores in its kitty so far, the film has made steady progress at theatres and has been attracting footfalls at regular ticket prices. In fact, on Sunday, it collected quite well with Rs. 20 crores mark being crossed, what with Rs. 31.60 crores coming in.
This has been good trending for the Akshay Kumar led film and now all eyes are how the weekdays hold up. Indications are that the collections would be impressive right through the week since even though the first day was aided by discounted ticket rates, that has not been the case on Saturday and Sunday, and still the collections have gone well up. This shows that there has been good momentum built for the film amongst the audiences and that should continue well from today till Thursday as well.
The industry really needed a Bollywood film to do well at the box office since it had been ages since one saw a commercial success. After Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3 and Singham Again, this is the first one to bring in some substantial moolah and hopefully it will turn around the fortunes for Bollywood.
Note: All collections as per various box office sources
More Pages: Sky Force Box Office Collection , Sky Force Movie Review