The Ajay Devgn-led Shaitaan has taken a very good start at the box office in India as early estimates suggest an opening day in the range of Rs. 14.25 to 15.25 crores. The horror thriller has surpassed all expectations and is proving to be a surprise package as far as the theatrical run is concerned. The top 3 national chains are headed to collect Rs. 7.25 crores, contributing around 50 percent to the total business.
The film has done well universally – be it the metros or the mass belts – and the early audience reports are also supremely positive. The best business of Shaitaan has come from Mumbai followed by mass centres like CI, CP, and Rajasthan. Shaitaan will be looking at an opening weekend of Rs. 55 crores, and the audience reports from the cinema hall suggest the film will have a long run at the box office.
Shaitaan was looking like a weak film however, the tides changed when the makers launched the theatrical trailer two weeks before the release. Mass Maharaja, Ajay Devgn is driving the business as it has been a while seen a leading film hero featured in a film of this genre.
Shaitaan is not really an adult film and the treatment of the subject makes it palatable for the family audience too and this gives a shot for the film to have better legs in the long run. The start is very good, boosted by the Maha Shivratri holiday in mass belts, and its now all on the weekend growth