The Sameer Vidhwans directorial Satyaprem Ki Katha starring Kartik Aaryan released a while back and since then the film has been doing well at the box office. After opening on a good note, the business of the film continued to see good growth over its opening weekend. In fact, even in its first week running Satyaprem Ki Katha managed to fare rather well. Now, after its second weekend running, the business of Satyaprem Ki Katha has managed to cross the Rs. 100 cr mark at the worldwide box office.
Collecting Rs. 78.2 cr gross at the domestic box office, Satyaprem Ki Katha saw a further Rs. 22 cr gross coming in from overseas box office. With this the business of the film has now crossed the Rs. 100 cr mark at the worldwide box office. If that was not enough, with its stellar collections the film has also emerged as Kartik Aaryan’s fifth highest grosser till date.
As for the film, Satyaprem Ki Katha also marks a massive collaboration between NGE and Namah Pictures. Interestingly, Sajid Nadiadwala and Shareen Mantri Kedia with Kishor Arora & director Sameer Vidwans won a National Award for their respective feature films. ‘Satyaprem Ki Katha’ was released in theaters on June 29, 2023.
Satyaprem Ki Katha Box Office Collections at a glance:
India box office Nett: Rs. 67 cr.
India box office Gross: Rs. 78.2 cr.
Overseas Gross: Rs. 22 rr.
Worldwide collections Gross: Rs. 100 cr.
More Pages: Satyaprem Ki Katha Box Office Collection , Satyaprem Ki Katha Movie Review