Just a month after representing India globally at the pre-Oscar celebration of South Asian excellence in Hollywood, Sahil Salathia is back in LA to bring more glory to the nation as he is attending the prestigious Daily Front Row Fashion Awards 2024 in Hollywood which is one of the biggest fashion awards in global entertainment.
Sahil Salathia represents India at Daily Front Row Fashion Awards in LA: “Keeping my ethnicity and culture in check”
Sahil, who is a young fashion icon in India, is wearing a vintage Alexander McQueen piece and he is super excited about it. Alexander McQueen is as iconic as it gets and I am a huge supporter of vintage pieces. This piece is indescribable and it is the highlight of the whole look. I have also stuck some accessories on my body. I am very excited as this is my first fashion red carpet in Hollywood. To represent India in such a prestigious light obviously makes me feel happy and grateful. At the same time, it also adds some pressure as the look has to be right. So, my team headed by my stylist, Ambika Sajnana and I are working very hard to get everything in place
Interestingly, this marks Sahil’s third global red carpet appearance in the United States in the first four months of 2024. He first attended the New York Fashion Week in February, followed by the pre-Oscar celebration in March and now, the Daily Front Row Awards. “I really feel my sensibilities in fashion and the aesthetics I represent as an artist, be it the gender fluid trends or the edgy choices I make, it resonates very well with the USA and I get an insane amount of love there. This year itself, after representing India at the pre-Oscar celebration of South Asian excellence, I am back again for a mainstream Hollywood red carpet within a month. Nothing could make me feel happier and it all started with representing India at the New York Fashion Week,” he admits.
The actor sees his appearances at such global events as a way to represent Indian culture and talent. “I really hope I am paving the way for other celebrities in India, especially male celebs, where they can represent India in a very interesting light and not just as someone who is typecast to look, speak and act a certain way. I am representing India in a very beautiful global light while keeping my ethnicity and culture in check, and at the same time making it desirable,” Sahil concludes.
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