The much-anticipated Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor starrer Stree 2 has exceeded all expectations, delivering a massive Rs. 55.40 crore on its opening day. This staggering figure not only surpasses initial projections but also shatters multiple records across the board.
On its first day, Stree 2 claimed the highest opening day collections at Moviemax, as well as in key territories like Gurgaon and Akola. It has become Rajkummar Rao’s and Shraddha Kapoor’s highest opening day grosser to date. Furthermore, the film set a new benchmark as the highest Independence Day grosser, the highest opening day grosser of 2024, and the highest ever in the horror-comedy genre. With these achievements, Stree 2 has secured its place as the 4th highest all-time opening day grosser and the 12th highest single-day grosser in Indian cinema history.
Below is a list of all the records Street 2 has managed to set on its opening day:
Highest opening day collections at Moviemax in Gurgaon and Akola
Rajkummar Rao’s All Time Highest opening day grosser
Shraddha Kapoor’s All Time Highest opening day grosser
Highest opening day grosser in the horror – comedy genre
Highest all-time grosser on 15th August
12th Highest single day grosser
4th Highest all-time opening day grosser