Pwd Selects 7 Routes On Tourist Sectors For Revamp, ET TravelWorld

Pwd Selects 7 Routes On Tourist Sectors For Revamp, ET TravelWorld
Ayodhya: Devotees at Ram Janmabhoomi path after it was opened for public, in Ayodhya. (PTI Photo) (

Uttar Pradesh Public Works Department (PWD) has shortlisted seven routes leading to tourist sites for a facelift. The department plans to create a strong road network to link the tourist town with the nearby districts to boost economic activity via tourism circuits.

As of now it has finalised 84 kosi parikrama path, Ram Janaki Marg, Ram Van Gaman Path, Buddhist circuit, Braj circuit, Bundelkhand circuit and handicraft circuit for the uplift.

Engineer-in-chief and head of the department Arvind Kumar Jain said that the road network is going to be strengthened and more towns are going to be connected to boost tourism and economic activity around the seven circuits that have been selected strategically for a makeover over the next three to five years.

Ayodhya Haat: Another attraction in temple town

The Ayodhya Development Authority will spearhead this project to turn the religious town into a tourist destination. The Ayodhya Haat would also bring change in areas surrounding the ghat, said officials of the Ayodhya Development Authority. In the last five years, the state government has completed 17 projects worth several crores in Ayodhya as part of its policy to develop temple town as a prominent religious tourist destination.

The popular tourist towns of Ayodhya, Mathura and Prayagraj are going to benefit under the scheme. The 84 kosi parikrama route is already being widened and is going to be converted into a two-lane national highway which will connect 51 important religious destinations around Ayodhya.Similarly, Ram Janaki Marg will traverse through the Awadh region all the way to Bihar border. The Buddhist circuit is aimed at improving road connectivity and infrastructure in Kushinagar, Kapilvastu, Shravasti, Sankisa and Sarnath.

The handicraft circuit is aimed at improving the connectivity between Lucknow, Aligarh and Firozabad while Bundelkhand circuit will improve commute between Jhansi and Madhya Pradesh border to attract tourists interested in exploring UP.

The department said that it is going to coordinate with the tourism department to understand what destinations and locations could be covered to attract an increased number of tourists to the remote parts of the state and plan the seven circuits accordingly.

  • Published On Aug 22, 2023 at 05:47 PM IST

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