Fans of Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda can’t get enough of the couple’s wedding shenanigans. The duo tied the knot in a private but lavish ceremony in ITC Grand Bharat in Delhi on March 15 but prior to it, they hosted a three-day celebration of Mehendi, Sangeet, and Haldi before tying the knot. A special invite was designed for each of these functions in the form of a video and the different wedding planners decided to take to social media to give audiences a glimpse of the same.
Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda opt for unconventional invitation cards for their wedding; watch
Announcing their wedding, their first invite was a collection of some cute and intimate moments of the couple which included them chilling the house and later enjoying some music with each other against the backdrop of a sea. “Unconventional animal illustrations, lush florals and bright hues” comprised as the key elements of the invite. In one of the videos shared on the platform, they also gave a sneak-peek into the physical invites which also followed a similar theme.
The other invite included the venue and other details of the Mehendi ceremony which was held on March 13, followed by a Haldi ceremony on March 14 morning. On the eve of the same day, the couple is also said to have hosted a Cocktail Night for their guests to dance the night away. Apart from this, the wedding invite of March 15 along with the phera timings were also shared wherein the guests were asked to refrain from using their phones. The message read, “This is a ‘no phone wedding’. All our phones will be secured in pouches, restricting the use of cameras. Your cooperation with the same will be highly appreciated.”
Pulkit Samrat and Kriti Kharbanda, who have been together for quite some time now, have done films like Veerey Ki Wedding and Pagalpanti together. Earlier this year, rumours of them being engaged started doing the rounds.
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