Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday virtually inaugurated the “Tribal Cultural Experience” project in Chumoukedima district of Nagaland. The project under the Ministry of Tourism aims to promote tribal cultural experiences to visitors at the recreation centre Midway Retreat at Tsiepama village between the state capital Kohima and commercial hub Dimapur.
The Tribal Cultural Experience would also provide tourists with the opportunity to stay in traditional cottages and learn about the tribal culture and way of the Naga people besides enjoying Naga cuisine, officials said.
The prime minister virtually inaugurated the project from Srinagar along with 53 other projects in different parts of the country as part of the Swadesh Darshan 2.0 scheme of the Ministry of Tourism.
The virtual launching of the project Modi was live-screened by the Tourism Department here and several state government officials were present.
State Tourism Commissioner & Secretary I. Kitto Zhimomi said Nagaland missed out on the industrial and green revolution but should take advantage of joining the bandwagon of the tourism sector.
He said that various projects in six districts of Peren, Kohima, Wokha, Mokokchung, Mon and Tuensang have been completed under the first phase of the Swadesh Darshan scheme.
Under Swadesh Darshan 2.0, projects are being taken up in Niuland and Chumoukedima districts.
He hoped that the Ministry of Tourism would grant funds to cover the remaining eight districts of the state under the project. The official said that the state government will soon inaugurate the projects completed under Swadesh Darshan 1.0 in the state.
Zhimomi said these projects would help generate employment in the hospitality sector.
President of the Nagaland Association of Tour Operators, Kejaroko Pieru, said that without adequate facilities and infrastructure, a rural and remote destination like Nagaland will continue to miss out on the benefits that tourism can bring.
The development of tourism is not just about creating picturesque spots for visitors but it is about empowering the local communities, preserving the cultural heritage, and creating sustainable livelihoods for our people, Pieru said.
Tsiepama Village Council chairman Seyievizo Visezuo assured the department of all cooperation.