Filmmaker Rohit Shetty, who is currently seen as the host of the reality show Khatron Ke Khiladi 13 (Indian version of Fear Factor), recently took off to Mauritius for a short trip. Readers would be aware that a lot of news reports have been doing the rounds about the upcoming film Singham 3. Now coming to his recent trip, the filmmaker was seen engaged in a deep conversation with the honorable Prime Minister of Mauritius, Pravind Jugnauth wherein he was seen discussing about his upcoming film.
Photos: Rohit Shetty meets Mauritius Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth; to shoot for his next in Mauritius
In fact, the honorable PM Pravind Jugnauth was seen taking to social media to share about the recent visit of Rohit Shetty. Along with sharing photos with the filmmaker, the PM revealed that the director has been scouting for locations in Mauritius and that he has already decided to shoot his next in the country. In fact, in the same post, the PM also mentioned that Rohit is keen on kicking off work from October 2023. Apart from that, the honorable Pravind Jugnauth also mentioned how the filmmaker has several fans in his country owing to the immense popularity of the franchise Singham and Singham 2.
Interestingly, this will not be the first time where Rohit Shetty will be shooting in Mauritius. In the past, the filmmaker is expected to have shot some key scenes from the Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol starrer Dilwale in the country.
As for Singham 3, the filmmaker recently announced that the film is in the making in an official statement wherein he also mentioned that the cast too will be revealed soon. “There have many speculations doing rounds about the star cast in Rohit Shetty’s next directorial, Singham Again. The film is currently in pre-production. We kindly request the media to refrain from making any premature announcements at this stage. We will be making an official star cast announcement soon,” his post read.
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