Parineeti Chopra recently surprised her fans by announcing the news of her pursuing singing as a career path along with acting. The actress, even though showcased her love for music time and again, had sang a couple of songs for films as a part of her passion for the profession. But after the marriage, the actress even went on to do her first live stage performance as a singer. Now that she has been balancing two careers, she decided to mix them up a little bit for her next, Chamkila, co-starring Diljit Dosanjh.
Parineeti Chopra reveals she will be singing 15 songs in Diljit Dosanjh starrer Chamkila; says, “My co-star Diljit heard me sing and told me to pursue it”
In fact, Parineeti Chopra revealed that in this upcoming musical set against the backdrop of Punjab, the actress will be lending her voice to as many as fifteen songs. In an interview with ETimes, Parineeti confirmed about singing for Chamkila as she shared, “One of the main reasons I did this film was because I was getting to sing some 15 songs for it.” The actress also gushed about her co-star Diljit Dosanjh, who played a key role in inspiring her to sing. “It was during this film that my co-star Diljit heard me sing and told me to pursue live performances. Everyone around me used to constantly put this thought in my head that I could be on stage,” she added.
She also opened up about her balancing act as she is not only newly married but is also following two different careers. “It is an exciting challenge to take. I will work hard. I am getting into the skin of a musician and learning more about the world of concerts,” she said, asserting that she will take time out for the things that matter to her which includes her friends and family.
On the other hand, speaking of Chamkila, the film is based on the life of Punjabi musician-singer Amar Singh Chamkila with Parineeti Chopra playing his wife Amarjot. The film, directed by Imtiaz Ali, is expected to hit the screens this year.
More Pages: Chamkila Box Office Collection
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