The Christopher Nolan directorial Oppenheimer released nearly two weeks ago and since then the film has been unstoppable at the India box office. After taking a thunderous start, the business of the film saw immense growth over its opening weekend with Rs. 48.19 cr coming in. Following this, the film, which received rave reviews across the board, saw footfalls steadily increase, with shows going houseful. Now nearly at the end of its second week running, the business of Oppenheimer has managed to cross the Rs. 100 cr mark.
Collecting exactly Rs. 100 cr, Oppenheimer has now emerged as the third Hollywood release of 2023 to make it past this highly coveted mark. Following closely behind previous releases like Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One which collected Rs. 110.45 cr, and Fast X which had collected Rs. 108.83 cr, Oppenheimer has been doing brisk business.
Currently, Oppenheimer continues to run in theatres with audience patronizing the film in droves. In fact, trade predictions state that the business of Oppenheimer will continue to see growth in the coming days. With little to no competition, the film is expected to remain as the audience’s first choice among Hollywood releases.
Hollywood releases of 2023 to cross the Rs. 100 cr mark:
Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One – Rs. 110.45 cr
Fast X – Rs. 108.83 cr
Oppenheimer – Rs. 100 cr
More Pages: Oppenheimer (English) Box Office Collection , Oppenheimer (English) Movie Review