NIA Opens Recruitment For 2023; All You Need To Know About It

NIA Opens Recruitment For 2023; All You Need To Know About It

The salary will be Rs 1,77,500 per month.

Candidates selected in Group A will be assigned to All India Liability Service Postings at the National Investigation Agency Headquarters in New Delhi.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has invited online applications for the position of Public Prosecutor Group A in the Ministry of Home Affairs National Investigation Agency, Headquarters (New Delhi). The official notification for NIA Recruitment 2023 has been released by the Government of India. According to the notification of NIA Recruitment 2023 released by UPSC, 23 vacancies of Public Prosecutor posts in Pay Matrix Level-10 (Rs. 56100-177500) are to be filled. Total emoluments excluding HRA will be Rs 44900 at the time of initial appointment, and Dearness Allowance will be applied each month.

The National Investigation Agency (NIA) is a dedicated law enforcement agency in India with a focus on countering terrorism. It possesses the authority to investigate and address crimes related to terrorism across different states without requiring special permission from the states themselves, as long as there is a written proclamation from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

According to NIA Recruitment, candidates who are selected in Group ‘A’ would be assigned to All India Liability Service Postings at the National Investigation Agency Headquarters in New Delhi.

Application Deadline

The notification states that the deadline for completing the online recruitment application procedure is July 13, 2023. Candidates must complete the Online Recruitment Application (ORA) and follow the instructions.


A total of 23 seats are available with 13 under UR category and rest for different categories.


Salary will be based on the Pay Matrix at 7th CPC Level-10 (Rs 56100- Rs 177500).

Age Limit:

The age of the unreserved category candidate should not be more than 35 years. Relaxation of up to 5 years in the upper age limit has been given for the appointed Central Government/Union Territory Government employees.

Education Qualification:

Candidate should possess an LLB degree.


Should have practiced as an advocate for 07 years in handling criminal cases or 07 years experience of working in State Judicial Service or Legal Department of State or Central Government.

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