Mt Everest expeditions have become mountain tourism, climbers want only selfies: Tenzing’s son, ET TravelWorld

Mt Everest expeditions have become mountain tourism, climbers want only selfies: Tenzing’s son, ET TravelWorld
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Jamling Tenzing, the son of Tenzing Norgay and an acclaimed climber, on Sunday termed the current Everest expeditions as “mountain tourism” where the climbers scale the world’s highest peak just to take a selfie.

The 58-year-old, who himself scaled Everest in 1996, said mountaineering expeditions these days have transformed into a “multi-million-dollar industry” and Everest has become much more accessible in recent years.

“A lot of people are scaling Everest just to take a selfie. Mountaineering used to be a passionate sport where the journey mattered the most. These days, Everest expeditions have become like a service,” Jamling said.

Jamling further said, “If one can shell out a good amount of money, a climber gets all the service he or she needs such as flying up to the base camp, getting their tents set up, food and heaters in their tents. There are overnight mountaineers with no prior experience and summiting the Everest has become a mountain tourism.”

Jamling is in Ranchi to attend a conclave organized to mark the 70th anniversary of the Everest summit by his father and Sir Edmund Hillary.

“Many climbers who are reaching the summit of Everest have no prior experience. These days, they don’t trek through the villages to the base camp but take a chopper instead. In our times, we had to acclimatize at the Khumbu Icefall for days. These days, the mountaineers just spend a day or two there and acclimatize in some nearby area,” he said.

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Jamling, who spoke at length about his father’s life and journey at the conclave, rued that the corporate houses in the country are reluctant to sponsor mountaineering expeditions to Everest and other notable peaks such as Kanchenjunga and K2.”Mountaineering is a costly sport. Passionate climbers, who care about the sport, now have to fund their expeditions out of their own pockets or secure loans from banks. Corporate houses do not sponsor the expeditions because every peak has been scaled and the stuff has been done countless times,” he rued.

He also said easy access and quick ascent to Everest has diminished the attraction of other prominent peaks among the mountaineers. “Hardly anyone aspires to scale peaks such as Kanchenjunga or K2. Why will they if Everest has become accessible?” Tenzing added.

  • Published On Aug 21, 2023 at 07:00 PM IST

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