More than half of U.S. high school students will take a personal finance class before graduation

CNBC’s senior personal finance correspondent Sharon Epperson speaks with high school students as part of Junior Achievement of Middle Tennessee’s Finance Park financial literacy program.

Sam Wiseman

High schools are increasingly offering real-world financial lessons to students — and soon more than half of U.S. high schoolers will be required to take a personal finance course before graduation.

This week, Pennsylvania became the 25th state to guarantee a personal finance course for high school students. Starting in the fall of 2026,  Pennsylvania schools will provide a mandatory course in personal financial literacy for students in the 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grades. On Wednesday, Gov. Josh Shapiro signed into law an omnibus bill that included this provision.

“As a result of this legislation, more than half of high school students in the U.S. — 53% — will have guaranteed access to a standalone personal finance course,” said Yanely Espinal, Director of Educational Outreach at Next Gen Personal Finance, a non-profit financial education advocacy organization. Eight states currently guarantee that students will take a personal finance course and 17 states are implementing these policies.

The momentum for financial education in schools has picked up significant steam this year. Eight states have adopted policies in 2023 guaranteeing students will take a personal finance course before graduation. 

Earlier this month, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers signed a bill that requires high school students to take a personal finance literacy course to graduate, starting with the class of 2028. “We have to make sure our kids have the tools and skills to make smart financial and budgeting decisions to prepare for their future, so ensuring our kids have strong financial literacy is essential to setting them up for success as adults,” Evers said in a press release.

The latest “report card” from the Center for Financial Literacy at Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont, shows seven states — Alabama, Iowa, Mississippi, Missouri, Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia — made the top grade. They earned an “A” because, in those states, high school graduates in the class of 2023 were required to have taken a personal finance course before graduation. 

By 2028, when new laws and policy changes are fully implemented, 25 states are projected to earn an “A,” said Pelletier of the Center for Financial Literacy. “Tremendous change is on the horizon. States are rapidly passing laws and changing regulations.” 

High school personal finance courses generally teach students real-world lessons about earning income, spending and savings, credit and credit scores, investing, and managing risk, among other topics. These are financial lessons for life. 

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More than half of U.S. high school students will take a personal finance class before graduation

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