Metastatic breast cancer: Warning signs that you must never ignore

Metastatic breast cancer: Warning signs that you must never ignore

According to Dr. Shyam Aggarwal, Senior Medical Oncologist, Sir Gangaram Hospital, Delhi, “In my experience, I have witnessed that approximately 50 % of women are diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer during the initial evaluation itself. While this isn’t as common, it is important for people to be familiar with the warning signs and symptoms of breast cancer so that one can identify potential red flags. Being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer can be extremely difficult to navigate for patients. Therefore, it is important to encourage patients to have extensive conversations with their doctors to understand what treatment options are available. “

Metastatic breast cancer is a formidable stage in the breast cancer journey. Recognizing the warning signs of metastatic breast cancer is crucial for early detection and prompt medical intervention. Here are 6 signs to look out for:

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