Animal continues to make headlines for its box office collections and for the polarising reactions it continues to receive on social media. Helmed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, the film stars Ranbir Kapoor headlining the hyper-violent gangster thriller. Bobby Deol plays the antagonist Abrar in the movie. While the movie’s pivotal stars garnered immense response on social media, the ensemble cast is also getting huge response from the audience. Amongst them is Mansi Taxak who plays Abrar’s third wife in the movie. Earlier this year, she made her Bollywood debut with Pathaan.
Mansi Taxak clarifies on marital rape scene in Animal; says Bobby Deol’s character Abrar couldn’t think straight: “No assault was intended”
In an interview, Mansi Taxak was asked about the viral wedding sequence in Animal which is not only the most talked about moment on social media but also left the audience unsettled in many ways. In the scene, as Abrar is dancing at his wedding, the scene takes a drastic turn when he hears about the death of his brother. He turns violent and kills the messenger. He then proceeds to assault his newly wedded wife, the youngest of the three wives. He then gestures for his other two wives to join him in the bedroom which leads to further assault.
Speaking about the scene to Zoom Entertainment, Mansi said, “It is shocking, of course. Nobody expects their wedding to end that way. When the wedding sequence starts, if you see the lights, the way the art was done, it was beautiful. You hear the music, that has gone so viral on Instagram. It was heading towards a beautiful end, and suddenly, you see something like this happening. It was to tell the audience that and animal is coming; if you thought Ranbir was this way, you can expect the villain to be (worse). It was an apt way to establish Bobby sir’s character and to show the audience what real animal we’re talking about.” Later on, she added, “I would not wish that to happen at my wedding ever!”
Furthermore, she said, “It tells the backstory that despite their differences, their age or careers, they do love each other. That’s why they’re getting married. I get it where people are coming from, but that was not the intent. It is just that Abrar (played by Bobby) didn’t expect the news of his brother’s death on his wedding day. This puts the character in a zone where he can’t think straight. Animal instincts are unpredictable instincts. He comes to his wife to vent his emotions. No assault was intended. Even I didn’t feel it when I was on set or while reading the script. It was just about a relationship between the two which panned out the way it did because of the situation they were in.”
Talking about Animal’s polarising reactions especially towards the portrayal of women, she added, “Animal is just a mirror to society. It shows you what exists. Movies like these do encourage us to start a conversation. It is high time we eradicate this kind of mindset from the society. It allows people to start talking about these issues, which exist in society, and let them form opinions and bring their viewpoint forward.”
ALSO READ: Chhattisgarh MP slams Ranbir Kapoor starrer Animal; reveals her daughter came out of the theatre crying
More Pages: Animal Box Office Collection , Animal Movie Review
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