It is a known fact that Janhvi Kapoor accompanied by her entire family attended the much-talked about Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant pre-wedding bash in Jamanagar, earlier this weekend. The actress flew to the Gujarat city along with father Boney Kapoor and sister Khushi Kapoor. Along with her, her alleged boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya was also spotted whereas her sister was accompanied by her alleged beau Vedang Raina. Apart from them, Janhvi’s entire family including brother Arjun Kapoor, cousins Sonam Kapoor, Rhea Kapoor, uncle Anil Kapoor and aunt Sunita Kapoor were also a part of these festivities.
Janhvi Kapoor shares photo with ‘OG’ Mahi along with special moments from Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant pre-wedding bash; see pics
On Monday, after the actress returned to her city, she decided to take to social media to share some of the most special moments from the three-day bash she recently attended. The first photo featured her posing with Mahendra Singh Dhoni and his wife Sakshi Dhoni. Interestingly, Janhvi will be seen in the role of a cricket player along with Rajkummar Rao in the film which is expected to pay a tribute to this former Caption of the Indian cricket team, Dhoni in Mr. and Mrs. Mahi. Hinting on the same, she captioned the post saying, “With the OG Mr & Mrs Mahi”.
Besides that, Janhvi also shared several other memories with sister Khushi Kapoor, Manish Malhotra, and alleged boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya, among many others. The actress also posted her multiple looks which she donned which included her half-saree look from March 3 from Hashtakshar which featured the theme of Indian traditional attires as well as her dance performances during the Mela Rouge which was essentially a sangeet night filled with performances. She also shared a lovely candid photo of the soon-to-be newlyweds Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant from the ceremony which was held last evening.
As for her film Mr. and Mrs. Mahi, it is directed by Sharan Sharma and is produced under the banner Dharma Productions. The commercial entertainer is expected to hit the screens on April 19 this year.
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