Jacqueline Fernandez, who was caught back-n-forth amid the ED investigating the fraud case against Sukesh Chandrashekhar, has now received threats from the latter, who is currently serving his punishment. While the conman has been writing several letters to the actress wherein, he expressed his love for her on many occasions, the actress recently approached the authorities to restraint him from sending her these letters. Reacting to this, now, Sukesh has reportedly sent threatening letter to the actress.
Jacqueline Fernandez gets threats from Sukesh Chandrashekhar in his letter; says, “Now I will go all out to expose anything”
In these letters, Sukesh Chandrashekhar has reportedly told her about exposing his conversations with her and making it public, which he refrained to do by far because of his concern towards her. “I never expected this even in my wildest dreams, but I guess “heart” is made to always be shattered or broken,” he had written in the letter.
He went on to add, “I was shocked frozen as after all that you do, protect, safeguard someone, they turn around, stab you back hard, as they think now that they are safe and act victimized and start blame games, and point saying “look here is the Devil, the Bad Guy.”
“So, with shattered heart, I have decided not to stay hurt, numb or quiet, one should know truth is very powerful. Now it’s time, World needs to know the truth, the reality and now I will go all out to expose anything in accordance to law,” he continued.
“Even the smallest fact of payments worth few million USD paid for social platform enhancement to compete and race against a very prominent individual colleague of this person also will be brought in open with all the relevant payment invoice paid by me, as in accordance of Indian Evidence Act,” his letter concluded.
Also Read: Jacqueline Fernandez files plea in Delhi court over conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar’s letters
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