Jackky Bhagnani and Rakul Preet Singh, who tied the knot last month, have been sharing some of the most beautiful moments from their wedding on social media which has left their fans thrilled. However, as the couple is gearing up to return to work, Rakul decided to share a quirky photo of her and her beloved hubby hitting the gym owing to the many calories they gained after get-togethers and dinners they have attended post their marriage.
Jackky Bhagnani and Rakul Preet Singh hit the gym as ‘Mr. and Mrs.’ to burn calories; see post
Many would be aware that it is a tradition to invite the newlyweds for a meal by the guests who attended their wedding. In the recent post, the actor-producer and his actress wife revealed that they have been doing the same since their wedding and opted for a gym session to burn these calories.
The couple shared a funny photo of the two of them twinning in the hoodies as Jackky Bhagnani and Rakul Preet Singh have the words, ‘Mr.’ and ‘Mrs.’ written on the back of these hoodies. On Monday morning, the couple posted this adorable photo with the caption that read, “So many celebrations , so much more food !! It’s been’.” “In short keeping the love , burning the calories,” they added.
Many of their fans dropped heart emojis to shower their love on the post. One of them dropped a comment saying, “TANAY. THEY BOTH ARE VERY LUCKY THEY REALLY <3 EACH OTHER MR AND MRS NICE POST” whereas another one addressed them as , “Love Birds”.
For the unversed, Jackky Bhagnani and Rakul Preet Singh hosted a three-day wedding function in Goa at the ITC Resort in Arossim Beach, Goa. Although the wedding was a private affair, many of the industry friends of the two celebrities took off to the picturesque resort to attend these ceremonies.
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