After opening at Rs. 2.10 crores and then staying stable on Friday when Rs. 2.01 crores came in, Insidious – The Red Door saw fair growth coming on Saturday, before dropping again on Sunday. The collections went up to Rs. 3.40 crores on Saturday, which was good because it needed to get into this zone for the overall extended weekend to emerge as fair. Had the collections jumped by just 20%-25% then it would have resulted in a rather flat weekend.
However, surprisingly there was a fall on Sunday with Rs. 3.20 crores been collected. It doesn’t usually happen this way and maybe the rains resulted in lack of footfalls. The horror flick still needs to do a lot so that it can make a dash for that Rs. 18-20 crores lifetime. Currently, the newest instalment of the Hollywood franchise stands at Rs. 10.71 crores and it would need stability today.
Just like all other Hindi films that are playing currently, even Insidious – The Red Door primarily has 2 days for itself since Tom Cruise starrer Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One arrives on Wednesday itself. As a result, its run would be cut short as its very own Hollywood counterpart would turn out to be the global choice of audiences when it comes to theatrical watch.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
More Pages: Insidious: The Red Door (English) Box Office Collection , Insidious: The Red Door (English) Movie Review