Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday said the Inland Water Authority formed by the state government to start inland waterway services in rivers like Rapti, Sarayu, Ganga and Yamuna is expected to boost cruise services and generate employment on a large scale. After inaugurating the Queen Lake Cruise at Ramgarh Tal Lake here, the chief minister said the development of tourism facilities in the state is being carried out in line with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision.
Adityanath said the government has formed the Inland Water Authority in the landlocked state of Uttar Pradesh to start inland waterway services in the rivers like Rapti, Sarayu, Ganga and Yamuna. This move is expected to boost cruise services and generate employment on a large scale, he added.
The chief minister said the roads are being upgraded from two lanes to four lanes, six lanes, eight lanes and twelve lanes, adding the rail and air connectivity in Uttar Pradesh is also excellent. Adityanath said the prime minister has paved the way for inland waterways from Varanasi to Haldia on the Ganges, allowing cruise services to operate, despite Uttar Pradesh being called a landlocked state.
He said Gorakhpur now has a modern cruise as a gift and lauded the local workers for their contribution in its preparation. The chief minister emphasised that tourism, development and new employment opportunities will increase as the city improves.
“This is like a life cycle and with security and a good environment, the people from outside will come here. Investments will occur in every sector and the city, along with the state and country, will progress,” said Adityanath. “Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of a developed India by 2047 will come true and prosperity will come into everyone’s life,” he added. The chief minister also directed the Gorakhpur Development Authority (GDA) and the tourism department to enhance water sports activities in collaboration.
Meanwhile, Tourism Minister Jayveer Singh while speaking at the event said this is a proud moment for Gorakhpur. The lake, which was once synonymous with dirt and neglect, now hosts cruise services, he added.