After playing in theatres for two weeks, HanuMan has now collected Rs. 39.59 crores in the Hindi version. This is a good score and though it’s a little less than Rs. 40 crores, which would have been a good milestone to achieve, it’s just academic. The bigger thing is that one actually expected the film to come quite close to the Rs. 50 crores mark instead after the rise in numbers during the first week, more so since there were so many screens at its disposal with just no competition around.
The film has done well for the budget that it has been made and the fact that it had an unknown hero for the Hindi markets. Still, to do better than several dubbed films that have featured the likes of Rajinikanth, Kamal Haasan, Vijay, Mahesh Babu, Ajith, etc and just not managed to bring in numbers close to this is a testimony to the fact that audiences have moved on from sheer hero worship, especially when it comes to south affairs.
No wonder, it’s even more surprising that after doing so well in the opening week, HanuMan (Hindi) too came down to Rs. 75 lakhs on the second Thursday. Ideally, with the kind of word of mouth that it was enjoying, the film should have kept playing in that Rs. 1-2 crores range. Agreed that Fighter had a role to play in Thursday numbers but as it is, the film was seeing a decline in collections. Nonetheless, there is a big weekend ahead and that should give a good push to the numbers all over again.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
More Pages: HanuMan Box Office Collection