Greece PM offers free Rhodes vacation for travellers affected by wildfires, ET TravelWorld

Greece PM offers free Rhodes vacation for travellers affected by wildfires, ET TravelWorld
Greece PM offers free Rhodes vacation for travellers affected by wildfires

Greece‘s Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is offering a “do-over” for travellers whose trip to the holiday island of Rhodes was cancelled or cut short due to the country’s wildfires, CNN reported.

The Greek Prime Minister appeared on the UK chat show Good Morning Britain on August 2 to discuss the situation in Rhodes. Many of the affected travellers were from the UK.

He said, “For all those whose holiday was cut short as a result of wildfires, the Greek government in cooperation with local authorities will offer one week of free holidays on Rhodes, next spring or next fall so that we make sure they come back to the island.”

Mitsotakis did not explain how the plan would work and no additional details were offered.

During the severe wildfires and heat waves in July, more than 19,000 tourists were evacuated from Rhodes.

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Total revenue from all markets in the quarter rose 9.3% from 2022, when the tourism sector was still hurting from some Covid-19 restrictions, to 513.7 million euros, and 4.7% above 2019. The company said the quarterly results showed the strength of a sustained demand without signs of a slowdown. Bookings until the end of the year were more than 20% higher than the full-year figures for 2022.

Other regions of Greece were also affected as a result of weather-related issues. The island of Corfu also evacuated travellers, and one of the country’s most iconic attractions, the Acropolis, closed to visitors as temperatures in Athens soared to 44 degrees Celsius (111.2 Fahrenheit).The Greek Tourism Ministry in a press release said: “Rhodes is back! We are pleased to announce that the operational state of emergency has expired on the island of Rhodes. Life is now returning to normal for the entire island of Rhodes, including the few areas that were affected.”

Greece relies heavily on the tourism industry, with 18.5 per cent of the national GDP coming from travel, according to the World Travel & Tourism Council.

  • Published On Aug 5, 2023 at 04:00 PM IST

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