2024 has now seen another century at the box office, what with Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire entering the Rs. 100 Crores Club*. The film had a good first week when it scored a solid half century and now it has also gone past the Rs. 100 crores mark*, which is quite good because typically films don’t really double up their first week score. However, the Hollywood biggie has been consistently collecting and lack of any competition is helping its cause as well.
This can well be seen from the fact that right through the weekdays, the film was in excess of Rs. 40 lakhs, which is excellent when compared to Friday when Rs. 46 lakhs had come in. In fact, on Wednesday the film had zoomed to Rs. 85 lakhs* due to Maharashtra Day and Labour Day, and that further allowed the film to go past the Rs. 100 crores mark quickly. With its current total standing at Rs. 100.50 crores*, the film will comfortably go past the Rs. 105 crores mark and with some luck could even aim for Rs. 110 crores since May is pretty barren as well.
For the industry, the film has brought some respite since it’s only the third Rs. 100 Crores Club film after Fighter (which went past the Rs. 200 crores mark) and Shaitaan (which has recently edged past the Rs. 150 crores mark). One now waits to see which is the best film that will arrive and score a century at the box office.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
More Pages: Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (English) Box Office Collection , Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire (English) Movie Review