Goa takes strong action against touts and unauthorized vendors, ET TravelWorld

Goa takes strong action against touts and unauthorized vendors, ET TravelWorld

The Government of Goa‘s Department of Tourism has announced a firm crackdown on the increasing issue of touts and illegal business activities operating on the state’s beaches. This initiative aims to improve the safety, security, and overall experience of tourists while ensuring that only authorised businesses are allowed to operate in designated beach areas.

To address the growing concern, the Department has issued a directive to beach shack operators, local beach associations, and other relevant stakeholders, urging them to take immediate steps to prevent touts and unauthorised vendors from operating on beach premises. Beach associations have been tasked with implementing proactive measures to control the situation. Should these measures fail, the Department of Tourism will intervene using legal mechanisms to address the issue and put an end to illegal activities.

In addition, shack operators have been reminded to ensure that no illegal businesses operate within their premises. The Department is also considering the implementation of more stringent regulations that would further empower beach associations to manage these challenges effectively.

Kedar Naik, Director of Tourism, commented, “The Department of Tourism is committed to fostering a hassle-free and tourist-friendly environment in Goa. Addressing the issue of touts and illegal businesses on our beaches is a crucial part of safeguarding the state’s reputation as a leading travel destination. We will continue to take robust action to ensure that visitors can enjoy our beaches in peace.”

To assist in resolving these issues, tourists and stakeholders are encouraged to report any complaints related to touts via the Beach Vigil App. This measure supports the government’s ongoing efforts to provide a seamless, trouble-free experience for all visitors to Goa.

  • Published On Mar 22, 2025 at 02:11 PM IST

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