Forest Dept To Start Safari At Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary, ET TravelWorld News, ET TravelWorld

Forest Dept To Start Safari At Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary, ET TravelWorld News, ET TravelWorld

The forest department is making preparations to start a jungle safari by the second week of this month at Gopinatham in Cauvery Wildlife Sanctuary in Chamarajanagar district of Karnataka, which was once slain brigand Veerappan’s den.

The department has set up the counter for distribution of safari tickets at its department office premises in Pudur near Gopinatham after identifying safari routes. The safari route which starts from the department office from Pudur covers a 32 kilometers stretch, including the areas Namdarihalla, Kurimande camp, Erakeyam, Mailumalebetta and Hogenakkal falls.

This will be the third jungle safari counter started by the department after Bandipur Tiger Reserve in Gundlupet taluk, K Gudi camp of BRT Tiger Reserve in Chamarajanagar district. Visitors will be taken for a ride from 6 am to 10 am and 4 pm to 6 pm daily.

Plan to hike MP Pench safari rates may hit tourist footfall

Gaurav Chouksey, a resort owner known for his research on tigers in Pench, said that Gypsy charges have also been increased to INR 4,000 on all days from the earlier INR 3,000 on premium days. “There has been a similar percentage wise increase in fees for guide, permit and the golden pass. This in effect puts booking of gypsy to almost INR 10,000 for the weekend,” Chouksey said.

The BJP government has allocated INR 5 crore to start the jungle safari as well as other ecotourism activities in Gopinatham during the 2021-22 budget. The then state government has announced this project aiming not only to boost tourism in MM Hills surroundings as well as to help locals to provide jobs in tourism related activities to improve their standard of living.The department has initiated this project to start jungle safari on the lines of Bandipur, Nagarahole and K Gudi safari, also a jungle ride for tourists to enjoy the Hogenakkal Falls which is located just three kms away from Gopinatham in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu inter-state border.

As part of eco-tourism promotion activities, the department has also planned water sports and camping at Hogenakkal Falls. Under this project, the forest department also planned to attract tourists to Mystery Trail camp maintained by Jungle Lodges and Resorts, taking visitors to Gopinatham dam and memorial of slain IFS officer Srinivas by forest brigand Veerappan.

As per the state government directions, the department has identified the jungle safari routes from Pudur covering a 32 kms stretch and it is starting by next week as all the routes identified and even counter opened, deputy conservator of forests of Cauvery Wildlife Division Nandeesh said.

He said that his department has decided to fix INR 400 per head ticket for jungle safari in Gopinatham, which will be started by next week.

Of the INR 5 crore sanctioned by the government for promotion of eco-tourism activities in Bandipur, the department has initiated measures to utilise this funds to improve accommodation facilities in Mystery Trail Camp maintained by JLR Corporation. Currently only ten people can stay at this camp.

It will be improved for 25 members by remodelling this building as well as to utilise funds to improve basic facilities at Hogenakkal Falls including staying of visitors, boating and bird viewing. As the government started to release funds, works will be completed in stages by the department officials, he said

The starting of jungle safari in Gopinatham not only promotes tourism and helps to generate revenue to the forest department as well as for locals to eke out their living, said Murugan of Gopinatham.

  • Published On Aug 3, 2023 at 07:09 PM IST

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