The Centre on Monday approved flight operations from Dehradun to Ayodhya and Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh and Amritsar in Punjab. The three flight services will begin on Wednesday, according to an official release.
Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Sinfgh Dhami, who had long been pushing for flight operations to the three cities, expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Civial Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia.
The Dehradun-Varanasi flight will fly via Pantnagar.
On the inaugural day on Wednesday, a flight will take off from Dehradun at 9.40 am and reach Ayodhya at 11.30 am. The flight from Ayodhya will take off at 12.15 pm and reach the Uttarakhand capital at 1.55 pm.
The Dehradun-Amritsar flight will take off from Amritsar at 12.00 pm and reach Dehradun at 1.10 pm. The flight to Amritsar will take off from Dehradun at 1.35 pm and reach the Punjab city at 2.45 pm. The flight from Dehradun to Varanasi will take off from the Uttarakhand capital at 9.50 am and reach Pantnagar at 10.35 am. The flight from Pantnagar will take off at 11.15 am and land in Varanasi at 1.00 pm.
The return flight from Varanasi will take off at 1.40 pm and reach Pantnagar at 3.25 pm. It will begin its journey to Dehradun from Pantnagar at 3.50 pm and arrive at 4.35 pm.
Before the consecration of the Ram temple in Ayodhya, Dhami had written to Scindia, requesting him to start flight operations between the cities.