Stepping into the picturesque landscapes of Punjab, Fatima Sana Shaikh and Vijay Varma embarked on an exciting journey with their first and promising collaboration which was titled Ul Jalool Ishq. Along with these talented actors, the romantic drama will also feature an ensemble cast and the anticipation of seeing them all together is quite high among the masses. While earlier we had reported that the leads have already kicked off the film, now it is being said that they have wrapped up the film.
Fatima Sana Shaikh and Vijay Varma wrap up the shooting schedule of Ul Jalool Ishq
The team started worked on the film quite some time ago and after a long shooting schedule of more than two months, the duo along with the rest of the team has finally wrapped up the entire film, reveals sources. Confirming the same, the fashion designer Manish Malhotra, who is also a producer of this venture, took to his social media and shared BTS aka behind the scene pictures of the shoot from the sets in Punjab and announced the wrap up by expressing his gratitude towards the entire team. The pictures also give a glimpse of the film’s world along with the looks that the actors will be sporting. Apart from that, the unexplored chemistry of Fatima and Vijay has also made social media users quite curious about the movie.
He captioned this post saying, “It’s a WRAP @stage5production production no3 #uljaloolishq Thank You everyone for all your hard work, love and passion @vibhupuri @naseeruddin49 sir @itsvijayvarma @fatimasanashaikh @mrfilmistaani @manushnandandop @resulpookutty @malhotra_dinesh @om_sunny_bhambhani @tanaymalhotra01 @rachitabisht @vishalrbhardwaj @gulzar.official Sir and to each and every technician, actor and crew member a huge thank you for sharing the love and passion we have had for our film. #UlJaloollshq #memoriesforlife offered their fans a sneak peek into their characters by teasing them with glimpses of their look in the movie.”
Ul Jalool Ishq boasts of a stellar ensemble cast, which also includes Naseeruddin Shah, Vijay Varma, Sharib Hashmi, among others. Now that the film’s shoot has ended, the makers are also expected to make an announcement regarding its release date soon.
Also Read: Vijay Varma and Fatima Sana Shaikh sport refreshing look in Ul Jalool Ishq; see pics
More Pages: Ul Jalool Ishq Box Office Collection
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