Readers would recall that Bollywood actor Rahul Roy had returned to fame when he entered the first season of Bigg Boss India, which was hosted by Arshad Warsi. The actor, in fact, emerged as the winner of the reality show. Now after almost two decades, the co-star of the actor from his iconic film Aashiqui, Anu Aggarwal was asked if she would like to participate on the show. In the conversation with Bollywood Hungama, however, Anu surprised everyone by stating that she was already offered the show and she wasn’t interested in doing it at that time.
EXCLUSIVE: Anu Aggarwal reveals that she was offered Bigg Boss; says, “I don’t know if my response will change now”
Anu Aggarwal decided to interact with the media, even though, the actress turned author hasn’t been doing films as of now. In a candid interaction with Bollywood Hungama, as she discussed her life after Aashiqui and her journey in Bollywood, the actress was asked if she would like to follow the footsteps of her co-star Rahul Roy and enter the Bigg Boss house, to which she responded, “I have already been given that choice. Yes, I have been offered Bigg Boss. It was a few years ago but I didn’t want to do it then.” When asked further if her response has changed now, the actress added, “I am not sure. The answer is I don’t know. We will see when I get that offer again”.
Anu Aggarwal was seen participating in a fun Rapid Fire round wherein she also described her film Aashiqui in three words, which is “Love, Change, and Blockbuster”.
Interestingly, while she was termed as the original Aashiqui girl with the stupendous success of the 1990 romantic drama, the blockbuster also went on to become a franchise. While the second instalment Aashiqui 2 (2013) featured Aditya Roy Kapur and Shraddha Kapoor, the third film Aashiqui 3 aka Tu Aashiqui Hai is expected to go on floors this year and will have Kartik Aaryan and Triptii Dimri as the leads.
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