The third Shah Rukh Khan starrer to hit screens in 2023, Dunki released last week on Friday. Directed by Rajkumar Hirani the film came with immense expectations and anticipation attached. Living up to the same, Dunki that has received positive feedback from the critics has seen its business grow with each passing day. Now, just four days after its release, Dunki has managed to cross the Rs. 100 cr mark at the domestic box office.
Collecting Rs. 101.50 cr in just four days of its release Dunki has become the 7th fastest release of 2023 to cross the Rs. 100 cr mark. While Dunki is the 13th release of 2023, to cross the Rs. 100 cr mark the film has managed to achieve this milestone faster than previous releases like The Kerala Story and OMG 2 that took 9 days each, Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani and Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan that took 10 days each to achieve this feat.
As of now, Dunki that has received a positive response from both the audience and critics is sure to see its business grow in the coming days. Based on the current scenario, trade predictions state that Dunki is likely to cross the Rs. 150 cr mark by the end of its first week.
More Pages: Dunki Box Office Collection , Dunki Movie Review