Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan is making all the right noises. The film also marked the Hindi debut of director Atlee, who is surely flying high on the success of Jawan. After witnessing a blockbuster run at the box office, SRK’s Jawan is eyeing to enter the 500 crore club. Now, Atlee has revealed that he didn’t have “a second thought” on who will play the lead role in the film. In conversation with Pinkvilla, Atlee revealed that “Jawan is only made for (Shah Rukh) Khan sir.” He said, “Jawan is only made for Khan Sir. I didn’t have a second thought about who is going to do it.” Atlee, who has worked with Thalapathy Vijay in a series of blockbuster films including Theri, Mershel and Bigil, also revealed how he used to discuss the scenes with the Tamil superstar.
Atlee said, “But from day 1, the script, the scenes, what I do, how it went; the only person I interacted with was Vijay sir. He is like a brother to me. And we are very serious about what we do in life. So he used to share about his films. I shared what I was doing and all.”
Atlee added, “So he was very advisory and always a backbone to me. We shared a lot of stuff on Jawan, what is happening on Jawan; but it is purely made for Shah Rukh,” he added.”
The director also got candid about his plans on making Jawan’s sequel. Atlee said that he has kept Jawan’s climax as an “open end”. “For Jawan, if anything strong comes to me, I will make a part two. I have kept an open end and I can come up with a sequel now or later. But definitely will come up with a sequel to Jawan one day,” he said.
Meanwhile, Jawan is in its second week, and the film continues to smash records at the box office. After ten days in theatres, Jawan made a business of Rs 440.48 crore, reported Sacnilk.
Jawan also stars Nayanthara, Deepika Padukone and Vijay Sethupathi. The film was released on September 7.