Acclaimed actor and singer Diljit Dosanjh has announced new dates for his highly anticipated Dil-Luminati tour. The tour, which has garnered immense excitement among fans worldwide, is set to embark across twelve sensational dates this summer. Kicking off in Vancouver and culminating in Toronto, it is a milestone moment for Punjabi music on a global scale especially holding shows in stadiums and arenas. The Dil-Luminati tour will kick off on April 27 and go on till July 13.
Diljit Dosanjh set to become first Punjabi musician to headline Vancouver and Toronto stadium concerts as he announces new dates of Dil-Luminati tour
Making history yet again, Diljit Dosanjh is set to become the first Punjabi artist to headline Vancouver’s iconic BC Place and Toronto’s legendary Rogers Centre. As per Billboard Canada, the BC Place performance, in particular, is poised to make waves as it stands as the largest Punjabi music concert outside of India, boasting a sold-out capacity of 54,000 eager fans.
Dosanjh’s meteoric rise to fame has been nothing short of spectacular, and the Dil-Luminati tour is yet another chapter in his illustrious career. Last year, the actor-singer became the first Indian-born artist to play at Coachella. He is set to enthral Mumbai along with The Chainsmokers on 12-13 April 2024 at Mahalaxmi Racecourse.
Meanwhile, Diljit Dosanjh has two releases in the pipeline – Crew set for March 29 release in theatres and Amar Singh Chamkila on Netflix on April 12.
ALSO READ: Crew BTS video: Diljit Dosanjh has a fun time shooting a song Kareena Kapoor Khan; Badshah makes a surprise appearance, watch
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