The civil aviation ministry on Wednesday said Digi Yatra will be launched at the Chennai airport by March 31. Currently, Digi Yatra, which was launched in December 2022, is available at 13 airports.
It provides for contactless, seamless movement of passengers at various checkpoints at airports based on Facial Recognition Technology (FRT).
The number of Digi Yatra app users has acrossed 45.8 lakh and the count of passengers who have travelled using Digi Yatra has touched 1.45 crore.
In a release, the ministry said Digi Yatra will be launched at the Chennai airport by March 31, 2024.
“The number of passengers having installed the Digi Yatra application on their mobile phones has increased to 45.8 lakh as on February 10, 2024. It is an increase of 20.5 per cent from 38 lakh as on 1st January, 2024,” it said.