Devari Of Meja Tehsil To Be Developed As Tourism Site, ET TravelWorld

Devari Of Meja Tehsil To Be Developed As Tourism Site, ET TravelWorld

Devari village situated on the banks of Tons river at Meja tehsil in Prayagraj, which is known for its bamboo and pottery products, will be developed as a village tourist destination before the Maha Kumbh. Along with picnic and boating spots, one can relax in the serene surroundings of the village and purchase the products to enhance the beauty of their homes.

The department of tourism and rural development is preparing a proposal to develop Devari village so that its bamboo and pottery products like baskets, stands, table-chairs, bouquets and other decorative items are known not only in the district but in every corner of the country.

India & Indonesia should establish RICH, theme-based tourism plan: Indonesian Ambassador

She further stated that it is through collaboration that we can overcome the challenges in the tourism sector. “A law of partnership between India-Indonesia will be the basis to build many building blocks of cooperation,” Krisnamurthi added. Indonesia recorded 16 million tourist arrivals in 2019, while in 2022, around 4.2 million tourists arrived in Indonesia.

This will help the local artisans get more employment. Facilities like roads, electricity will be provided by the department of rural development. They will also be linked with entrepreneurs to provide employment to villagers. “A proposal regarding this is being prepared and will be sent to the government,” said deputy director, tourism department, Biresh Kumar. “The tourism department will get artisans from Rajasthan to construct an entrance gate on the border of the village. Picnic spot will be developed, and plans are afoot to construct pucca ghats for boating. Also, bamboo cottages will be built on the banks of the river where tourists can spend relaxing moments in a better environment,” said official.

  • Published On Aug 2, 2023 at 09:00 AM IST

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