Delhi Police launches help desk to assist G20 delegates, tourists get real-time traffic updates, ET TravelWorld

Delhi Police launches help desk to assist G20 delegates, tourists get real-time traffic updates, ET TravelWorld
An illuminated G20 logo is seen ahead of the summit in New Delhi. (PTI)

The Delhi Police on Tuesday introduced a virtual help desk to help delegates and other tourists visiting the national capital during the G20 Summit get real-time traffic updates for commuting in the city. “Our mission is to ensure a smooth and seamless travel experience for residents and visitors alike during this historic event,” the traffic police said on its help desk.

The help desk,, has the facility of essential maps, police services, social media updates and medical facilities.

“As world leaders gather to address global challenges, our website will provide you with traffic information, road closures, alternative routes, and travel advisories to help you navigate the city efficiently and avoid potential delays,” it said.

According to police, the entire area of the New Delhi district will be considered as “Controlled Zone-I” from 5 am on September 8 to 11.59 pm on September 10. However, bonafide residents, authorised vehicles and emergency vehicles will be allowed to travel on the road network of the New Delhi district.

India is hosting the G20 Summit and the main event will be held in New Delhi on September 9-10.

The summit is likely to be attended by 29 heads of state as well as top officials of the European Union and invited guest countries and 14 heads of international organisations.

G20 Summit: 400 tourist cops to be stationed at 21 locations in Delhi for smooth visits

Delhi Police has deployed “Tourist Police” at 21 locations in the capital. Smartly dressed and specially trained in various soft skills, a team of police personnel will be stationed at the strategic locations in vehicles branded with a label of Tourist Police to make their presence visible and will be easily accessible to the tourists needing assistance.

  • Published On Aug 30, 2023 at 12:01 PM IST

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