Delhi airport’s main runway to remain closed for 75 days for recarpeting, ET TravelWorld

Delhi airport’s main runway to remain closed for 75 days for recarpeting, ET TravelWorld
For decades, the old main runway (28/10) has been a reliable workhorse, pre-dating the emergence of the two runways near the Shiva statue side (towards Gurgaon) over the past 14 years. In comparison to the newer runways, this historic airstrip experiences relatively fewer instances of fog during periods of low visibility.

Following the conclusion of the G20 leaders’ summit on September 10, the iconic old main runway (28/10) at Delhi Airport, renowned for its “jumbo point” viewing area on the Gurgaon E-way, will undergo a comprehensive recarpeting. This essential maintenance operation is scheduled to last for approximately 75 days.As per a ToI report, the airport’s recently commissioned runway (29R-11L), inaugurated on July 14 and currently designated for take-offs, is anticipated to be prepared for both landings and take-offs by the close of this month. As this fourth runway becomes fully operational alongside the existing three, the closure of the old main airstrip for repairs will not impact the airport’s flight handling capacity.

“The newest runway, which commenced operations last month, is projected to have its instrument landing system for arrivals functional by the end of this month. Therefore, the old main runway is scheduled to be temporarily closed for recarpeting and minor repairs sometime between September 11 and 13. It is expected to resume operations by the close of November or early December,” experts told ToI.

Chennai airport to modify terminals to add domestic flights

The arrival terminal on the ground floor will get three baggage conveyors. The immigration and customs counters and duty free shop will be removed to make the first floor ready for domestic departures. The airport will be able to handle 19 million passengers per year after the terminals are converted for domestic passengers. The present capacity is less than 15 million passengers per year.

For decades, the old main runway (28/10) has been a reliable workhorse, pre-dating the emergence of the two runways near the Shiva statue side (towards Gurgaon) over the past 14 years. In comparison to the newer runways, this historic airstrip experiences relatively fewer instances of fog during periods of low visibility. Thus, Delhi International Airport Ltd (DIAL) aims to have it operational by December, in anticipation of the usual onset of fog during that period.Looking ahead to the winter season of 2023-24, plans involve the temporary closure of the runway closest to the Dwarka side, runway 27/09. “DIAL intends to construct rapid exit taxiways for this runway, primarily catering to domestic arrivals once the enhancements are completed,” revealed sources. Both runways slated for repairs are positioned on the Delhi side of the Northern Access Road, which connects Terminal 3 (T3) to the Gurgaon E-way.

By the approaching summer of the next year, Delhi’s Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) will boast four operational runways, potentially augmenting its traffic handling capacity by an estimated 8-10%.

  • Published On Aug 2, 2023 at 02:00 PM IST

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