Amidst the fervor of dance competition on Dance Deewane, the endearing duo – Deepika Singh and Sanika Amit from Colors’ upcoming show Mangal Lakshmi attended it to promote their upcoming family drama. Deepika, a big fan of Madhuri Dixit Nene, showcased her moves on Madhuri’s famous song ‘Aaja Nachle’, putting to use her training as an Odissi dancer not only in front of her role model but also the latter’s co-judge Suniel Shetty.
Deepika Singh shares fan moment with Madhuri Dixit Nene and Suniel Shetty on Dance Deewane; says, “I had the incredible opportunity to perform on stage in front of them”
Speaking of her experience on the dance extravaganza, Deepika Singh says, “I visited the Dance Deewane set for the first time, and meeting Madhuri ma’am and Suniel sir was an absolute dream come true. I had the incredible opportunity to perform on stage in front of them. I grooved to one of Madhuri ma’am’s iconic songs, ‘Aaja Nachle’. The challenge of preparing for the performance on the set made me think of my days as an Odissi dancer. It was an amazing experience for me, marking my return to the stage as a dancer after a long time. On the show, me and Sanika highlighted about our upcoming show Mangal Lakshmi and its theme of a woman looking out for her younger sister by finding her an ideal groom. I hope viewers will shower utmost love for both the shows and embrace me in Mangal’s character.”
Following her performance, she raved about the unique theme of the show ‘Aapke Parivaar Se Hamare Parivaar Tak’ which is about uniting three generations of dancers. Not only was Deepika showered with compliments from her idol Madhuri, but she also got the opportunity to discuss her upcoming show, Mangal Lakshmi with the judges. This compelling family drama follows the journey of Mangal, who becomes the guiding light for her younger sister Lakshmi, seeking for her an ideal groom, who loves and respects her.
Dance Deewane airs on Saturdays and Sundays at 9:30 pm only on COLORS. As for Mangal Lakshmi, the show will air every day at 9 pm from February 27.
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